What Is Mesh Network?

So, what is mesh network and what does it do? Better yet, what is a Hotspot? There is so much technology around us, it’s hard to know all the terms like IoT, and know what they mean. Surprisingly, I bet you wouldn’t believe how many smart devices are located in your kitchen alone. How would you even know, or who would really care? I’ll explain that a bit later.

What is a Mesh Network?

What is Mesh Network

First of all, since I’m a Techie and I work with technology, I will break it down for you and make it easier to understand. Most people know what a router is right? Because, most homes have the internet and issues with your router. So, if your router is located up the stairs on the second floor, down the hall, through the bedroom, and in your master closet, how strong do you think that WIFI signal is going to be in order to make your WIFI video doorbell function? That’s right, the signal looses strength the further it travels.

These mesh devices are installed at strategic locations to relay and connect with other devices or nodes to efficiently route data. Mesh networks function with any type of radio signal, which allows various types of devices to connect to each other. As each node connects to each other, the further the signal is spread. And, so on, and so on…

Now, I guess your next question is, what is a Hotspot? Here it comes…

What is a Hotspot?

Now that you have an idea of how an in-home mesh network functions, it will give you a better picture of how a Hotspot works. Low power IoT or Internet of Things devices such as coffee makers, refrigerators, smart collars for pets, that connect and send data to the internet, without cellular or WIFI signal.

Helium Hotspot
View the REAL TIME progress and how the People’s Network is expanding. Hotspots are deployed in 90% of the US alone, and over 425 cities.

The Hotspot provides miles of connectivity, same as the mesh network in your home as I explained earlier. Also, each Hotspot serves as a node in the blockchain that powers the reward system. You can earn Tokens just to connect and help build the Peoples Network in your city. Surprisingly, the Hotspot only requires the same amount of power as a 5 Watt LED light bulb, or about 2.5 cents a day to operate. And yet, supports thousands of devices. This is considered low power.

So, why not deploy a Hotspot so you can own your city. Anyone can earn cryptocurrency and build a wireless network in your own city, with a Hotspot. You can help build the network by creating a more connected future. A Hotspot provides a low power IoT or Internet of Things wireless coverage, right from your own home.

You can connect devices with millions of Internet of Things in your city. Then, the Hotspot will earn tokens, which is a new cryptocurrency. Finally, don’t let the telcos own the network; join the network that rightfully belongs to the people. Visit to learn more about the Helium Hotspot.

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