Borax and Baking Soda Remedy

Two common natural substances, Borax and Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate), offer a wide range of health applications. When combined, they form an effective remedy for several conditions, including fungal infections, joint degeneration, and fatigue.

Borax and Baking Soda Remedy.  My daily first morning drink.

I know what you’re thinking; I thought the same thing. Borax is used as a cleaner and can’t possibly be safe to ingest. Well, it is and has been used for generations as a natural and safe remedy for many issues.

Borax and Baking Soda
A Natural Remedy for Various Health Issues

As I was doing my research, I found that in 2017, a reader shared a remedy that a Russian pharmacist had recommended years earlier to address his severely damaged knees. Faced with the possibility of knee surgery, he decided to try this simple solution. Fortunately, his decision resulted in rapid healing, allowing him to avoid surgery altogether.

Preparing a Borax and Baking Soda Remedy Solution


  • ½ teaspoon borax powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • 1 quart of green tea

Note: I started off slow by adding just a pinch of borax and a pinch of baking soda, along with a pinch of grey Celtic Salt, which has the most minerals of all salts, including the pink Himalayan that I use regularly. I also started out with 6 oz. of room temperature filtered water. I have made this my morning drink ritual.


  1. Mix ½ teaspoon of borax and ½ teaspoon of baking soda into 1 quart of green tea. ( I use Matcha Green tea).
  2. Stir until both ingredients are fully dissolved.
  3. Drink the entire solution daily for three months, then take a one-month break.

For chronic conditions, prolonged use may be necessary. However, acute issues may only require about a week of treatment. If you are sensitive to caffeine in green tea, you can substitute it with water.

How Does the Borax-Baking Soda Solution Work?

Both borax and baking soda are known for their ability to treat various health problems due to the essential elements they contain, which are crucial for restoring the body’s mineral balance.

  • Borax consists of sodium, boron, oxygen, and hydrogen and has natural antifungal and antiparasitic properties. Its alkaline pH of 9.3 helps combat conditions that arise from high acidity in the body.
  • Baking soda contains sodium, hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, with a pH of 8.4. It is commonly used to address digestive issues and help alkalize the body.

Many health problems can stem from an overly acidic system. By reducing acidity, this remedy may alleviate various symptoms. Green tea, known for its antioxidant content, also plays a role in reducing inflammation and may offer benefits for individuals with diabetes or arthritis, as well as potential cancer-preventative properties.

Topical Uses of Borax and Baking Soda

Borax and baking soda can also be applied topically to address a range of skin-related concerns. Adding these to a bath or foot bath may help with athlete’s foot, fungal infections, heel spurs, and more. My mother always mixed baking soda and water to create a paste to cover my bee stings. It relieved the pain and drew out the stinger.

  • For a bath, ½ to 1 cup of baking soda is commonly used, along with 2–4 tablespoons of borax.

Cautionary Guidelines

Before introducing any new remedy, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. A treatment that works well for one person may not be as effective for someone else, as factors such as diet, medications, and individual health conditions all play a role.

A well-known alternative health advocate, has recommended different doses of borax for men and women: ¼ teaspoon in 1 liter of water for men and ⅛ teaspoon for women. The recipe mentioned earlier doubles the amount of borax, so caution is advised. Starting with smaller amounts and gradually increasing the dosage helps minimize the risk of side effects.

Some may experience detox reactions such as headaches, nausea, or fatigue when beginning this treatment. These effects are often caused by the body’s elimination of parasites and fungi.

Borax and Baking Soda protocol: To start slow, can I use 1/16 tsp borax & 1/16 baking soda to 1 liter of water so to keep to 1/8 tsp solution? Take it with meal or after meal once a day & increase to twice a day for 2 week?

For health maintenance, can you take this forever to do a daily detox from fluoride.

You can certainly take a lower dose of borax per day if you wish. But please remember that borax has the same MSDS toxicity profile as common table salt — so its pretty safe. You must also be sure to take the borax protocol (1/8 tsp. in a liter of water per day for women) on a 4-days-on-3-days-off protocol. The reason for doing this is that borax does increase production the sex hormones somewhat. So the days off are needed to help avoid over-stressing sex hormone production.

Final Thoughts

The borax-baking soda solution has shown promise in addressing health issues such as fungal infections, joint degeneration, fatigue, and killing parasites. However, it’s essential to approach this remedy with caution, consult a healthcare professional, and be mindful of potential side effects. By starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it, you can find the right balance for your needs. If you’ve tried this remedy, we welcome you to share your experiences—it could help others explore alternative treatments for better health. Please contact me by adding your information on the form on the upper right of this page, or by visiting my CONTACT US page.


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