
While most preppers will tell you that it is crucial to stockpile food and water, there is also a need for medication and Supplementals. In the event of an emergency, you may not have access to a rounded diet which can lead to malnutrition. Your body requires certain vitamins and minerals to survive. When you can’t get what you need from your diet, having the right supplementals on hand can help to support your body.

Supplementals - Natural from Mother Earth

Supplementals | Natural Survival Substitutes

The realities of interrupted supply lines, bare store shelves, and material shortages during the last pandemic have led many people to reconsider their approach to emergency preparedness. Millions of individuals across the globe were caught without sufficient food, medications, or water to survive. This harsh realization has driven many to think more seriously about how they can better prepare for the next global crisis.

When it comes to obtaining medications during an emergency, a significant number of people could find themselves in trouble. Pharmacies are likely to experience looting or severely diminished supplies during a crisis. For this reason, it’s essential to stockpile your prescription medications and have appropriate alternative treatments available. Fortunately, there are numerous natural alternatives to modern medications that can be useful in an emergency. For instance, CBD products from Joy Organics can serve as replacements for opioid pain medications. Let’s take a closer look at several supplements you should consider stockpiling in your emergency kit.


Iron deficiencies are widespread across the world. Without adequate iron in your diet, you may experience fatigue, muscle weakness, and even anemia. Since iron is commonly found in meats and vegetables—foods that may become scarce during a crisis—taking a daily iron supplement can help you maintain your energy levels, which is critical in an emergency.


The last pandemic highlighted the importance of maintaining a strong immune system. During a crisis, the additional stress on your body can weaken your immune system’s ability to protect you from infections. To support a strong immune response, it’s crucial to include zinc in your diet. A zinc supplement can give your immune system the boost it needs. For children, zinc also plays a key role in promoting healthy growth and development.

Vitamin A

Typically found in dairy products and certain vegetables, vitamin A is essential for eye health and reproductive function. In the event of a global disaster, problems with your vision or reproductive health are the last things you want to deal with. Vitamin A supplementals can bolster your immune system and help maintain the health of your eyes and reproductive system.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

Thiamine, also known as vitamin B1, is vital for converting food into energy. Specifically, it helps turn carbohydrates into energy, which allows your body to function efficiently and fight off fatigue caused by an abnormal diet. A lack of thiamine can lead to extreme fatigue, weight loss, short-term memory issues, and mental confusion.

Folate (Vitamin B9)

Folate, or folic acid, is a critical nutrient for red blood cell formation and DNA production. While most of us get enough folate in our daily diets, a crisis that disrupts the food supply may limit your intake. Having folate supplements can prevent deficiencies during these uncertain times.

Vitamin B12

A deficiency in vitamin B12 can cause serious conditions such as pernicious anemia, which may result in extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Left untreated, a lack of vitamin B12 can lead to muscle weakness and difficulty walking. In a crisis situation, staying in peak physical condition is essential, making B12 a valuable addition to your emergency kit.

Vitamin D

Many people get their recommended daily dose of vitamin D from sunlight. However, during a crisis, if you’re confined indoors for extended periods, you might not get enough exposure. Vitamin D is particularly important for children and seniors as it supports strong bone growth and helps regulate calcium absorption.


In an emergency, especially during a grid failure, finding fresh dairy products may be nearly impossible without refrigeration. Since most of our calcium comes from dairy, having a calcium supplement on hand can make up for the lack of these products. Calcium is especially vital for children, as it supports healthy bone development.


A high-quality multivitamin could be one of the most valuable supplementals in your emergency kit. If space is limited and you can only pack one type of supplement, a multivitamin should be your choice. It will help ensure your body gets the essential nutrients it needs and prevent deficiencies. Make sure to include multivitamins tailored to each member of your family—women, men, children, and seniors—so everyone’s nutritional needs are met.

By preparing your emergency kit with these essential supplements, you’ll be better equipped to handle the physical challenges of any crisis.

Common Medication Substitutes

Supplementals - Natural substitutes

Many people rely on prescription and over-the-counter medications. In the event of an emergency situation, you may not have access to the medications that you need. The good news is, there are many natural alternatives to modern medications that can be used as a substitute. Let’s take a look at a comprehensive list of common medications and their natural substitutes.

Blood Thinners

Millions of seniors take blood thinners to help regulate their blood pressure and reduce the possibility of a stroke or heart attack. Patients simply take a low-dose aspirin daily as an effective blood thinner in many cases. Aspirin may not be available in an emergency along with prescription medications for blood thinning. If you require a blood thinner to maintain your health, try one of these substitutions:

Natural Vitamin E

  • Must be natural, not synthetic
  • 100 IU’s of vitamin E can be as effective as a daily aspirin

Ginkgo Biloba

  • Used to reduce clotting and encourage proper circulation


  • Increase your water intake to an average of eight glasses daily to help thin your blood

Painkillers and Anti Inflammatory

In the event of an emergency, there is a much higher risk of injury and illness. Prescription medications including opioids will not likely be available for patients. Managing pain during a crisis can be essential. Try these natural supplementals that can help reduce pain and inflammation:

CBD Products

  • Cannabis oil has been proven to be a strong anti-inflammatory agent and can help reduce chronic pain.
  • Powerful anti-inflammatory for your joints
  • Successfully relieves the pain of arthritis, joint and muscle pain


  • Good for pain and inflammation


  • Eating raw ginger or drinking tea can help with pain and inflammation.


Statins are medications like Lipitor that are commonly used to lower bad cholesterol levels. High cholesterol can increase your risk of stroke or heart attack. If you are on a statin medication, you are going to find it difficult to get your prescription in an emergency. While your diet may improve with the lack of foods available with high-fat content, you will still need to replace your statin medication with a substitute. Here are a few natural alternatives to prescription statins:

  • Garlic
  • Red wine
  • Dark chocolate
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil

Blood Pressure

For many people, daily blood pressure medication means the difference between life and death. If you are unable to get your prescription medications to control your blood pressure, you will need to find a natural alternative. While high blood pressure can be genetic, it is more often a condition that is caused by an unhealthy diet. Most of the problems can be taken care of with a change in diet. If food availability is an issue in an emergency situation, you can try these alternatives to help you control your blood pressure:

  • Bananas
  • Coenzyme Q-10
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Hawthorne
  • Reduced Salt intake

Weight Control

Another common health issue that you can easily improve upon and treat with the right supplementals is being overweight. While the best course of action here is always to exercise more and eat healthier, there are times when you might find that you need to supplement those activities with the right medication, which is something that a lot of people have to do in that position. Knowing that it is possible to do so is a great feeling to have. For individuals experiencing swallowing difficulties, incorporating a medical diet for dysphagia can be essential for managing weight and enhancing overall health.

Any weight loss program can be improved with the right meds in place, and you should therefore consider whether you want to stock these kinds of supplementals along with the other types listed here. It might be that they prove to be especially important for you at some point or another, and it could help to generally boost your health as a result.


Chronic heartburn or acid reflux are conditions that plague millions of people worldwide. While antacids can help control the influx of stomach acid and upset, there are natural alternatives that can help calm your stomach. If left untreated, indigestion can cause serious problems like bleeding ulcers. Try these natural alternatives for antacids:

  • Almonds – naturally reduce stomach acid
  • Aloe vera juice can help to heal ulcers
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Buttermilk
  • Cinnamon
  • Chamomile
  • Ginger
  • Peppermint

Type 2 Diabetes

Natural Herbal Medicine by Nature - Supplementals

There is currently no approved alternative treatment for type 2 diabetes. However, there are many natural foods and vitamins that can help control the body’s glucose levels. In a SHTF situation, there may be few alternatives to proper diabetes treatment available, and having some of these alternatives on hand may be helpful:

  • North American ginseng can help to control blood sugar levels
  • Chromium is a trace mineral that helps in the processing of fats and carbohydrates in the system. Chromium also helps to improve cell reaction to insulin.
  • Magnesium can help control blood sugar regulation
  • Cinnamon may improve blood sucrose control

When you are suddenly separated from your normal supplies of medications due to an emergency situation, you will be happy that you are prepared. These essential supplementals and medication alternatives can not only help keep you nourished, but will also keep you alive. Make sure that you start to stockpile these supplements and natural remedies in your emergency stocks to help you manage any emergency situation.


You may want to visit our HOMEMADE RECIPES page including my NATURAL HERBAL REMEDIES.


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