About Wines

First of all, are you an Oenophile? Oenophilia is Greek for the love (philia) of wines (oinos) love of wines. Yes, that’s right, Wine Lover! Oenophiles (Wine Lovers) are also known as wine aficionados or connoisseurs. But, most Wine Lovers are hobbyists.  Some may also be professionals like vintners, sommeliers, wine merchants, or someone who tastes and grades wines for a living.


So, this is where the good part comes into play; the part where you get fine wines direct to you, right at your home or office. The finest wine you could ever imagine, from Napa and Sonoma Valley in California. Wines, that are hand picked from family owned vineyards by yes, Oenophiles.  So, relax with a glass in hand, and browse your options below. Cheers!

ai Meets Wine

When ai meets wine, it will virtually revolutionize the wine industry forever. Currently, the utilization of ai in the wine industry is narrow, but as technology morphs as rapidly as it has in the past, we will soon be immersed with abundance. Many wine experts say that ai could impact how wine is judged, how vines are grown in the vineyards, and especially how wine is purchased. Learn more…

Fine Wines Direct To You

Fine Wines can now be shipped direct to you, right to your own home or office! Now, that most of us are still stuck at home with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s a great time to do your wine shopping right from your computer or smartphone. Surprisingly, they ship your fine wines direct to you right at home. Honestly, who doesn’t love to receive a nice bottle of wine as a gift. I don’t know anyone to ever turn that down.  For more information on this wonderful wine opportunity, Learn More here…

Muse is More Than Wine

More Than Muse is more than wine. Let us introduce you to our discovery and celebrate the true inspiration of Strong Women throughout. But first, lets ponder why More Than Muse Wines are inspirational. Find your favorite muse here.

Events for Wine & Jazz are listed here.

Fine Wine and Jazz

 Wine Simplified

You don’t need to be a wine expert to appreciate wine. In fact, enhancing your meal with the right choice can be wine simplified. I have created an easy-to-use chart to pair your favorite meals with the best varieties. If you are have a gathering and need to know how much to buy and what proper glass to use. I also have a list of wine lingo, so you can join in the conversations without feeling lost. Everything you need is right here.