ai meets wine

When ai meets wine, it will virtually revolutionize the wine industry forever. Currently, the utilization of ai in the wine industry is narrow, but as technology morphs as rapidly as it has in the past, we will soon be immersed with abundance. Many wine experts say that ai could impact how wine is judged, how vines are grown in the vineyards, and especially how wine is purchased.

Artificial Intelligence meets wine

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Just think of how in only the past twenty years, the internet of things (ioT) has revolutionized the wine industry alone. The internet has impacted how we learn about wine. It was only twenty years ago when I worked for the USDA, Farm Service Agency, that I gradually learned about vineyards, growing the crop, and how the producers marketed their product. Today, almost everything we need to know can be researched and learned online. Including, how the consumer orders and buy wines online. Everyone can virtually learn, order, purchase, and have it shipped direct to you at home. How remarkable is that? Also, marketing wine to end consumers has taken a drastic leap into the future. The Social Media platform is leading the way for all vineyards to reach the world to market their products and provide a preview of coming attractions. Surprisingly, as extensive as the internet has impacted the wine industry, ai insures to do much of the same.

ai meets wine | Virtually

DTC or Direct To Consumer brands are NOT following the rules anymore. Consumers are saying “NO” to big corporate brands and the big retail chains. We will not let them hold us hostage and dictate what, when, or how we buy. Now, we can ignore the middle man and choose any brand or service we want. True Freedom of Choice!

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Just look how most people watch TV or movies today. Now that we have Smart TVs that instantly connect to the internet, we use them like our computers and Stream instead of watching the same old bias channels. No more cable TV for us, and we get our TV FREE! We got rid of cable months ago and saved over $200 a month. Surprisingly, we enjoy choosing what we watch now more than when we had cable TV.

Should we not have the same choices when it comes to our grocery products? We do now! Today, we can also pick and choose the brand products we want AND pick them up ready and waiting, or have them delivered right to our front door. Monthly cheese selections, Waygu Beef, weight loss coffee & Keto Friendly Products, health & beauty, and Brain Supplements, (to name a few) can all be virtually ordered and delivered right to your home. Yep, life is good! The DTC, Direct To Consumer brands are now marketed online for our shopping pleasure. Just like the instant success of Harry’s razors, offering a great product at member pricing to be part of a club with monthly shipments. People LOVEIT! No need to find a parking space, wait in long lines, or ever run out of the products you love again!

AI Meets Wine | Virtual Shop Assistant

Now that machines are getting smarter, algorithms are created to learn and understand the unique preferences of everyone, comparing against various probable search outcomes. There will be ai-powered sommeliers in the near future that will know us so well, they will virtually suggest the perfect wine so we don’t need to guess anymore. And, most likely this will be right from your phone, just like my WineBot. You can imagine how handy this will be when you’re searching for that perfect wine to pair with your favorite meal. Think for a minute, it’s happening right now with “Alexa”, asking her for recommendations. Hello Future, the time is right now!

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ai Meets Wine| Drones in the Vineyard

Let’s talk about how artificial intelligence pertains to the wine industry at the beginning stages of plant growth, in the vineyards. Some winemakers are already testing soil management with machines powered by ai. Drones flying overhead will be able to alert growers to exactly pinpoint which vines need additional water and care. The possibilities seem endless.

AI Meets Wine | Imagine the Possibilities

The ai future is certainly exciting! And, as artificial intelligence gets applied to all aspects of experiencing fine wines, it will change how we buy and consume wine forever!

I idolized Walt Disney since I can remember. Not because of the cartoons or movies, but for his IMAGINATON and believing in his creations. I bet he is smiling down on us today, knowing he was ahead of his time. I can just imagine and dream of a future where AI-powered drones drop off a bottle of wine at your doorstep. Right after you agree to a WineBot recommendation from your favorite online shop. Then, you relax and enjoy that bottle of wine with a few of your closest Artificial Intelligent friends.

As a child, the Dick Tracy talking wristwatch was so cool, but a far-fetched reality. Today, I wear something similar to that Dick Tracy watch idea of 50 years ago. Not so crazy to believe in Artificial Intelligence now, eh?

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