Hamburger Gravy Recipe

Do I have a Hamburger Gravy Recipe for you! Have you ever eaten a dish that looks UN-appetizing, making you not want to even try a single bite? Well, I did and I couldn’t even look at it very long without turning up my nose. My mother never made this, but when they served it in school, I was thankful that I packed my lunch.

It wasn’t until later in life when my tastes changed and thought I would give it a try. Because, I knew this lady was one of the best cooks I have ever had the pleasure to learn from, and loved everything she made. So, please enjoy and share this Yummy Hamburger Gravy Recipe.

Best Hamburger Gravy Recipe

Why You’ll Love My Hamburger Gravy Recipe

I will be the first to admit that creamed hamburger may not be the most attractive dish, but what it lacks in looks, it makes up for in taste and flavor. It’s similar to a simple version of Beef Stroganoff (without my secret ingredient). There may be a slight chance that a nostalgic conversation may get started if you actually ate this growing up. Which is not a bad thing in my book.

So, if you’re out of ideas wondering what to make with ground beef on a busy weeknight for your family, then this is a great go-to recipe. Also, it’s a great comfort food dish to make on a cold winter day to warm your inside. This dish can be on your table in about 30 minutes, and an economical choice that keeps money in your wallet.

How to make hamburger gravy

What goes into the Hamburger Gravy Recipe

What goes in Hamburger Gravy.
  • Ground beef – I recommend using 90% lean ground beef. It’s still fatty enough you get some flavor, but not so fatty you need to drain the grease.
  • Ground pork – If you are able to eat pork, then use a 50/50 portion of beef and pork for additional flavor.
  • Onion – any sweet onion will do, but I also like red onion, because it’s higher in nutrients and flavor.
  • Celery – gives this dish a bit of a crunch and flavor.
  • Mushrooms – chopped fine in order to hide from those who think they don’t like mushrooms 🙂
  • Beef bouillon paste – adds concentrated flavor and extra dark color.
  • Sour Cream – for flavor and thickening
  • Heavy Cream – to thicken instead of using flour or corn starch.
  • Fresh Parsley – optional, but parsley brings a pop of freshness and great for presentation.