Healthy Diet Lifestyle

Developing a healthy diet lifestyle isn’t as difficult as you may think. Although, I must tell you that it was much easier to adjust my eating habits later in life. When I was younger, I was able to eat anything or any time of day. Now, there are some foods I just can’t eat late at night, or at all for that matter. My stomach (and waistline) are much better off leaving some foods off my diet completely. I would love to show you how I keep my Healthy Diet Lifestyle in check. Here is how I am able to feel 20 years younger, while loving what I do!

healthy diet lifestyle

Healthy Diet Lifestyle

Healthy foods, super-foods, meals delivered, vitamins, supplements, herbs and herbal remedies will all be listed in this category. Honestly, everything mother nature provides so, you can expect the freshest, most natural products available. I say, if you read the ingredients on the package and you have no idea what it is, then put it down.

Habits to Help You Slim Down & Release Fat

Move Around

People who are naturally lean will automatically, and even subconsciously, find ways to move to make up for the extra calories they eat. If you’re not one of these natural movers, think about making choices that boost your burn without needing to break a sweat. So, walk and talk when you’re on the phone or hand wash your dishes.

Snack Wisely

Fruit Snack

For a Healthy Diet Lifestyle, you must prepare yourself for healthy snacking. This is one of the trouble areas during your weight loss effort. It’s important to have nutrient-dense and low-calorie snacks, even at work or when you’re traveling. Incorporate at least three fat releasing nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, and calcium.

Sleep Well

Sleeping too much or too little is not good for your health or waistline. Sleep deprivation interferes with the hormones that regulate your appetite. This means that you’ll feel more hungry and likely to indulge in worse eating behaviors. Also, you will search for additional energy in the form of snacks that are unhealthy.


When dieters slept 8 1/2 hours compared to 5 1/2 nightly, they lost 56 percent more body fat than they did when eating the same diet. The recommended amount of sleep is seven to eight hours a night. You will reduce your cravings and have more energy. Try to get to sleep earlier for a better night’s rest. Try to end your day 30 minutes sooner until you get to your ideal bedtime.

Workout Routine Rehab

Raise your hand if you do the same workout day after day, after day. The same cardio routine may contribute to your weight gain. Because, it demands you to increase your energy output. Cardio exercise may trigger eating more in order to make glucose available for fuel. Aerobic exercise isn’t nearly as effective as a weight-control strategy. Surprise your body with interval training or strength training, anything that builds muscle and power. Also, an hour at the gym every day is not needed to receive maximum benefits. I have read that as little as three eleven minute intense strength-training sessions a week increase the fat burn at rest, as a result.

Detox Your Environment

The food we eat is full of chemicals, toxins, and compounds and contribute to weight gain. These compounds affect the ability for the body to oxidize fat and are stored in the fatty tissue. Whenever you can, avoid toxins by purchasing organic fruits and vegetables. Also, you can eliminate toxic chemicals in your life by using baking soda, lemon, olive oil and vinegar, which can also be cheaper.

Don’t Just Exercise

I used to think that I could eat anything I wanted, as long as I exercised. Exercise by itself leads to a small amount of weight-loss. However, exercise does reduce unhealthy fat, whether you lose weight or not. Pair exercise with the right diet and eating plan to be effective.

Laugh Daily

healthy diet lifestyle laughing

Your health, waist, and immunity are all affected by stress. It has been said that the best medicine is laughter. I can bet you didn’t know that laughter actually burns calories, right? You can get a mini workout with intense laughter by itself. One hour of laughter can burn up to 120 calories, which is the same as about 20 minutes of weight training, walking, or vacuuming.

Love Your Workout

Some people just won’t exercise because they don’t like it. My sister complains all the time about her weight and when I mention exercise, she strait up tells me no. Research shows that new wellness behavior evokes positive emotions. Sounds good, right? Enjoyment motivates continued change by creating desires that are stronger than willpower. Choose enjoyable ways of eating and being physically active. These lifestyle changes will prove to be just what you need for long-term weight-loss success.


Healthy body, mind, and spirit – products and services, will be located in the exercise portion. Also, I will provide you with the latest, greatest in exercise equipment. And, I have found the best value items with top quality and branding currently available on the market. That’s right, you remember that I love to shop.

Get Fit, Be Healthy & Happy