I Am A Marketer

I am proud to say that I am a Marketer and having the time of my life! Mostly everything today is done online. And, that is how I market new trending products, brands and promotions. All from the comfort of my home. There are no more long commutes driving to work, or worries of a car accident, or wasted drive time. Now, I make my own hours, set my own schedule and so much more productive than I ever was working for someone else’s dream. This is my dream and what I love to do!

I am a Marketer, What is Your SuperPower?


I Am a Marketer! What is Your SuperPower?


Now, this may surprise you, and you don’t even realize that YOU are already a part of this growing phenomena! So, as the Online Marketing field continues to grow, and the more you share on Social Media or by blogging; whether you believe it or not, YOU are a Marketer too!

I’m excited to share what I do with other people, because I recommend, and truly feel that I find the best products and services online. If you really think about this, how many times have you told a friend how well something worked for you, or how good the food was at a local restaurant, or about that new gadget you just don’t know how you lived without it? Marketing, or what I do, is the same thing. Many times I try the products myself to see if they are as good as advertised or seem to be. I give you my complete honesty and review of each of these products or services. Surprisingly, I don’t promote any product that either doesn’t work, or simply don’t like. I just won’t recommend (market) it. Truth!

Discover Your Online Presence

Now, let’s break down why marketing is important to everyone and why digital marketing continues to evolve. One of the reasons is that different platforms are constantly introduced. A digital marketer is always researching and looking for new trends to see how they impact discoverability. The world is constantly changing, and we need to change with it, finding new ways to be discovered for your online presence. Digital marketing includes social media, content strategy, SEO, analytics, and more. So, knowing that I am A Marketer, will give you a better understanding of the various facets that go into Digital Marketing and how many different directions that can take you in your career.

Many people don’t know what I am about to tell you. But, for every business that has failed over the years, it is most likely due to the lack of Marketing their own products or promoting their business itself. Everything needs to be Marketed! Just because you think you have a great product, do you actually think it’s going to “fly off the shelf” without telling someone about it? Nope, not happening friends. Every successful business needs to advertise or market their products.

Digital Marketing is Continuously Evolving

Yes, I am a Marketer because it is never-ending and includes continual research, learning and action. It is never-ending, and always evolving. I love the fact that I learn something new to keep my mind sharp while helping others as well. There always seems to be a better way to re-design and find new ideas to be better at reaching the world.