What is Password Management Software

So, what is password management software you ask? Well, let me tell you that you will never need to worry about writing down your passwords ever again. I don’t know about you, but between my work and home computer, I found it almost impossible to keep up. More importantly, how does anyone actually keep them safe and remember them without using the same ones over and over?


Password Management Software locks or secures all your passwords in one place.


What is Password Management Software?


Password Management Software organizes and encrypts all your passwords, while conveniently increasing the security of the online experience. You only need to remember ONE Master Password, instead of trying to remember hundreds of passwords across the many devices you own or operate.


It is almost impossible to use highly secure passwords such as 12uHY&er56jv32. Also, how are you to be able to remember them without keeping an entire notebook attached to your hip? Today, it seems every device you own needs its’ own password, which means we must have way too many to remember!  Now, you do not have too… and you can access this from virtually ANYWHERE, using a secure Password Management Software system called RoboForm. I can tell you first hand, because I have been using this for a long time and I have never had any problems.


This is Techy Girl tested by mwah and also used by some of the smartest online users on the planet!  This is a must have for anyone with multiple email accounts at home and work, social media platforms, websites, shopping sites, and everything else we use daily. Never forget your access information to any of your sites ever again!

Do you shop and buy from an online store every once in awhile?  No problem… with Roboform, you will never need to worry about forgetting it… it will be securely accessible to you when you need it. Whether you access from your PC, Phone, Work PC, Home PC, or even when you are needing access from another computer. Makes no difference. As long as you have your Master Password, you can now feel safe and secure without worry.

In today’s world, RoboForm is an Absolute Must!  For additional details, visit to learn more…

RoboForm password management

See how this all works, visit to learn more. View the details here