education training

Education Training is required from early in life and continues on until our lives end. First, we learn from our parents and then from our teachers in school.  Now, we receive a large portion of our education over the internet with online courses.

Education and Training

I love talking about this subject, for my eldest daughter is a Health and Physical Education teacher. I am so proud of her accomplishments, but mostly proud of her method of education.  My daughter is a good teacher because she cares about her students, each and every one. She always searches for new and exiting content and knows how to explain it to her students.

From early in life, she has always been a great performer and storyteller. This pours out of her personality and into her work, and that rivets her students’ attention. The administration and staff adore her as much as each student and parent. Her philosophy is simple. She knows that students, young or old, learn best when they are in control of their learning. Real learning requires doing, not just listening or observing.

The education she received didn’t stop once she became a teacher. It continued on and she received her Masters, which she had studied via online courses. We have found many continuing education online courses and are available here for you to view.

Online Career Training

With so many online career training websites, why not try one that is recommended. Solutions are offered and can be tailored to meet your company specific needs.  Empower your enterprise with better learning and development opportunities! To additional information, learn more…

PBS Beginner Guide WordPress Tutorial

PBS Beginner Guide - WordPress Tutorial

PBS Beginner Guide WordPress Tutorial was created to help new students navigate their new website. My intention here is to help those who struggle with watching videos and need a hard copy instruction manual in order to follow along and refer back to when needed. It’s as easy as following a recipe.

Teacher Led Homeschooling Online

Today, online schooling is a wonderful alternative for those who are not a good fit for the brick-and-mortar traditional neighborhood school. Learn the difference between the public school system and Teacher Led Homeschooling Online, who chooses, and what the benefits are. Also, learn about how to enroll and why it’s best to start early to build a strong foundation for future academic success. Visit here to learn more…

WordPress Wiz eBook

The WordPress Wiz eBook is the best instructional guide for anyone interested in building a professional quality website. Above all, it will take you through each step of the entire process. From building your own WordPress site, to customization of design and content modification.
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