PBS Beginner Guide

work from home

PBS Beginner Guide WordPress Tutorial was created to help students navigate their new website with images and pointers. It’s as easy as following a recipe.

As an Instructor, I never give up on anyone who truly wants to learn. I have many students, all at various stages of computer literacy. There are some who move along nicely, without much more than a few hours of personal one-on-one training. Then, there are those who don’t have much computer experience, other than browsing the internet.

My intention here is to help those students who struggle with watching videos and need a hard copy instruction manual in order to follow along and refer back to when needed. I don’t want anyone to get discouraged and give up. I will do what is necessary to help others understand, no matter what it takes.
When someone tells me “no”, or “I can’t do this”, makes me dig my heals in and find a way.

PBS Beginner Guide