Are Cold Pressed Juices Good for You?

Today, many people are asking why are cold pressed juices good for you? The answer follows here to help you better understand why. From the Farm to the Bottle FRESH with 1-4 pounds of Fresh Produce in every bottle. This Just-Picked, High-Density Healthy Freshness. YUM!

cold pressed juices

If you think about it, a simple way to get your daily nutrients is juicing. We are to have 8 to 10 servings of vegetables and fruit each and every day. Who really does? I mean to say, the problem today is the average person doesn’t get that.

Are Cold Pressed Juices Good for You?

You get large amounts of Vitamins, Enzymes, Phytonutrients or Phytochemicals. Don’t over go over-board in thinking that more is better.

Phytonutrients or Phytochemicals are disease-fighting nutrients that are compounds or chemicals naturally produced by plants. They keep plants protected from the sun and insects.

What Does Cold Pressed Mean?

By using a lot of pressure, the juice is extracted from the fruits & vegetables, which gives you what is called cold pressed. Every drop is extracted, leaving only pulp and skin. This is cold pressed. As an example, extra virgin olive oil is extracted from olives. That’s right. Where do you think olive oil comes from anyway? Recently, it is now popular with all the health conscious people out there .

Juicing is all the rage today because it presents several additional benefits that regular juice doesn’t. For one, cold pressing produces more juice than centrifugal or rotary methods. You get additional savings because fruits and vegetables go a lot further. More bang for your buck. We all like to keep more money in our wallet, right?

Why Does the Process Need to be Cold?

The fluctuation in temperature processing juice causes reduced enzymes, vitamins, and phytonutrient content. Why would anyone want processed anyway? Keep it cold and all those healthy benefits in the glass.

Rotary juicers or centrifuges pulverize the fruits and vegetables into small pieces using blades that spin at a very high speed. The metal blades spin at such a high speed that it generates heat that speeds up the oxidation of the ingredients. This kills the enzymes, vitamins, and even the good bacteria.

Processed juices are pasteurized and not the very best option. This gives fluctuations in temperatures with the raw ingredients and leaving the loss of some of the same benefits. Furthermore, cold pressed juice “Lock in” all of the good nutrients. And, you receive the very best that nature has to provide.

Why Are Cold Pressed Juices Good for You & the Benefits.

Cold pressed juice

Cold Pressed Juices Have More Vitamins & Nutrients

  • All of the good nutrients and vitamins go directly into your system. They hit your bloodstream right away and are absorbed immediately.

Easily Digested

  • Our bodies use a great deal of energy to break down and digest food into smaller components. Additionally, some of the vitamins and minerals that we eat are used to feed the digestive process. So, Jjicing liquifies the food by giving our bodies more energy so it doesn’t need to work as hard.

Efficient Way to Ingest Fresh Veggies & Fruit into Your Daily Diet

  • Can you imagine eating four to five pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables in one sitting? Cold pressed juices are an efficient way to work into our daily diet.

Increase in Energy Levels

  • The blood gets flooded with nutrients and the body’s pH is optimized. Juice is absorbed quickly by our bodies. It’s like a feeling of an instant energy kick within minutes of drinking the cold-pressed juice. You could say it’s like nature’s shot of espresso.

Boost Your Immune System

  • Again, the nutrients in cold pressed juices feed the good bacteria in our body, helping to suppress the pathogenic bacteria. This will supercharge our immune system with concentrated energy. Cold pressed juices are like taking a multi-vitamin, only it’s tasty and enjoyable.

It Gives the Digestive System a Rest

  • Cold-pressed juice allows better absorption to our body and it gives the digestive system a rest. The fiber and pulp is removed from the juice, it enters the through the small intestine where it is absorbed. As a result, it gives you increased energy for all organs to work more effectively and efficiently.

Have the Inside Out Great Feeling

  • You will feel and look great resulting in brighter, clear skin, shining eyes, less bloating, weight loss, and less water retention.

Why are Cold Pressed Juices Good for you? Well, They Taste Better for One Reason.

Cold-pressed juice simply tastes better. Because, it is fresh, just like your grandmother’s homemade bread that tastes better than the bread you buy from the store. Finally, cold Pressed Juices will help improve your overall health.

Now you have the answer to why are cold pressed juices good for you.

Yes, you get the good stuff. You get all the good vitamins and enzymes that get destroyed by commercial juicing methods.

Stay healthy my friends and trust that Cold Pressed Juices are best for our healthy lifestyle.

Cold Pressed Juice is Good for You

For additional information, visit our WELLNESS | NUTRITION page.