Elimination Cleanse | Detoxification

Here is a simple 12 Day Detox and Cleanse Program to assist in providing the maximum environment of digestion detoxification and elimination.   We have two simple formulas designed for AM morning and PM night-time use.  These formulas will temporarily modify your gut flora.  And, you can use your favorite fruit juice recipe to blend with these mixtures.  Below, see my recipe for The Healthy Green Detox Smoothie.

What to Eat During Your Detox & Cleanse

Must hurry…..

Each one of us is totally unique, so our dietary needs vary from person to person. But in general, there are several basic things to keep in mind about good nutrition choices and how they can supercharge your detox and cleansing program. 

Essential Nutrition Needed 

I feel like a salad…

Drink plenty of good, clean water each day.  Try to have a minimum of 5 servings of Vegetables daily.  Two fruit servings are the recommended minimum daily portions.  You should choose whole grain over refined grains and starches, which should be 4 to 8 servings daily.  Legumes, such as beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, etc., should be 1 to 3 daily servings.  Monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 are healthy fats and should also be 1 to 3 servings daily.  Also, try to experiment daily with natural herbs, spices and seasonings, in order to benefit from the natural health promoting qualities.

Optional Nutrition Choices

Dairy products, such as low-fat or non-fat milk and cheeses, should be no more than 1-3 servings each day and should be organic if possible.  The average daily egg servings should be limited to 1 or 2 if only egg whites.  Also, seafood varieties should be limited to 2-4 servings per week and should be chosen fresh if in season.  The recommendation for lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, tenderloin, flank steak, etc., should be limited to no more than 1-3 servings per week.  We all consume and enjoy Sweets, Alcohol and Caffeinated beverages, but the fewer you take in, the better.

Don’t confuse this sample menu with a detox cleanse diet – these are foods to help support a cleanse.

The Funny, but True Colonoscopy Journey


First, your doctor writes you a script for a liquid product that comes in a box large enough to hold a microwave oven. I will discuss this lovely liquid product in great detail later.  But, for now, suffice it to say that we must never allow this recipe  to fall into enemy hands. ‘Nough said.  So, now you spend the next several days productively sitting around being nervous. Because, you all have heard the many horror stories, haven’t you?  Then, on the day before the colonoscopy, you begin your preparation. In accordance with doctors instructions, you are not permitted to eat any solid food that day and can only have clear drinks with no dies.  Chicken broth and lemon jello are about the only options here.

Liquid Concoction Intake

…gotta go!

Then, in the evening you start taking the lovely liquid product that “cleans you out”. You mix two packets of powder together in a one-liter plastic jug, then you fill it with water. When you have to drink the whole jug, it seems like you are going to drown, in order to finish the whole thing. It takes about an hour to force this down, because it tastes like (and I am being kind here) a mixture of camel spit and shoe polish, with just a touch of lemon.  The instructions for this concoction was clearly written by someone with a great sense of humor.  Because, it reads that after you drink it, a loose watery bowel movement may result.  Really, ya think?!  This is almost like saying that after you jump from your roof, you may experience contact with the ground.  Liquid Nuclear Laxative in Disguise, this is!  And, I really don’t want to be too graphic here, but have you ever witnessed projectile vomiting or a space-shuttle launch? This is pretty much the colonoscopy preparation experience, with you as the shuttle.

Time for Elimination & Cleanse

…good article.

I am trying not to be too graphic and certainly not being shy to post these images of my emoji, but you need to know the truth to mentally prepare.  There are moments when you wish the toilet had a seat belt. You spend several hours pretty much confined to the bathroom, launching violently with elimination.  Then, when you think you must be totally empty, you have to drink another jug.  What?!  No!  What?!  As far as I can tell at this point, your bowels travel into the future and start eliminating food that you haven’t even eaten yet.

Finally Relief

After an action-packed evening, you are finally able to sleep without wanting to wear diapers for a possible accident. The next morning you are instructed not to eat or drink anything, not even chewing gum.  When my husband had this procedure recently, he signed into the hospital chewing a piece of gum.  Directly, the nurse instructed him to spit it out and told him that he would now have to let the next scheduled appointment bypass his.  Needless to say, after not eating for 24 hours, he was furious and said that he didn’t receive proper instruction.  Truth is, he just forgot to spit out his gum before entering the hospital.  Then, you sign many forms acknowledging that you completely understand and totally agree with whatever the heck the forms tiny print says.  Now, you are herded like cattle down the colonoscopy production line with the other colonoscopy apocalypse people.  Here, you go inside a little curtained space and wait for the procedure.  Next, you are  wheeled into the procedure room, where the doctor is waiting with a nurse and an anesthetist.


***You don’t see the 10,000 foot colonoscopy tube,
but just know…
…it’s hidden around there somewhere.***

Fruits & Veggies Best for Juicing

..are apple, peach, pear, pineapple and grapes.  Also, melons, apricots, cherries, plums, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and limes. You must choose your fruit carefully for your detox diet. Be sure the quality of the fruit juices you drink are fresh and organic juices. Consequently, processed juices are most often made from rejected or poor quality fruits.  Usually, they already have mold, pesticide residue, and animal wastes like bird droppings. Sometimes, manufacturers purchase under developed, overripe, bruised or partly moldy fruits to make juices. So, if you intend to drink fruit juices from the supermarket, make sure it’s pasteurized.


Also, you can mix two or three fruit or vegetable juices together. However, not all juices mixed together will give you the best tasting juices, except for carrots and apples. Fruit mixed with carrots makes a great complement while, apples sweeten up any vegetable juice. It’s best to prepare just enough juice for your consumption.  Because, fruit juice will start to oxidize after 12 hours. Even if you store it in the fridge, the nutritional value will be lost.

Healthy Green Cleanse Detox Smoothie

Cleansing healthy green detox smoothie with Prevail Breakthrough.

Pectin found in apple skin is a powerful detox agent and instantly purifies the body. The total cleansing in this recipe is enhanced by celery, cucumber, and horseradish that acts as a diuretic, relieving you of excess fluids.  There are many ingredients in this green juice that helps to get rid of poisonous substances & toxins in your body. Surprisingly, horseradish is the beneficial ingredient that adds a zing and heat to this drink.  Also, I mix in the first 1/2 of 1 packet to my morning smoothie & the second half with my mid-morning drink.  And, I do this so that I won’t be visiting the “Little Girls Room” as often, and I am able to function without embarrassment in public.  I must say that this 12 day Detox and Cleanse Program is the most simple & TASTY detoxification cleanse that you could ever find!  This is actually enjoyable compared to the colonoscopy journey described earlier. 


1 large green apple, seeded
3 sticks of celery
1 medium cucumber
1 inch piece of horseradish,
a handful of parsley
Blend the ingredients in a juicer.
Add one serving of Prevail and then
pour over a tall glass of ice and enjoy.

Bye for now…